When looking for a contractor to install a new shingle roof on your commercial building, look for one that uses premium shingles from reputable manufacturers. Choosing a contractor who uses inferior products may allow them to provide a cheaper quote, but their shingles will not last as long and won’t protect your building as well.
Shingle roofs are the most common type of roofing material in the United States. They’re also easy to install and relatively cheap. Any roofing contractor can install them for you, whether you’re building a new home or repairing an existing one. They can even be installed over old shingles, saving you labor and disposal costs. However, if you’re unsure of the process, you may want to contact a professional. Installing shingles improperly can void the manufacturer’s warranty.
During Shingle Roof Installation, it’s important to follow manufacturer specifications for nail placement. Typically, nails should be placed below the sealant strip. Otherwise, you’ll leave exposed nails that can be exposed to the elements or viewed from below. This can interfere with the seal. Additionally, some jurisdictions require special wind-rated shingles with heavier sealing strips.
Depending on the materials used for shingles, a square of asphalt shingles can cost between $80-$100 plus tax. Meanwhile, a square of cedar shakes can cost up to $160 per square. For this reason, if you’re looking for a relatively inexpensive alternative to a new roof, asphalt shingles are a great choice.
A quality Shingle Roof Installation is important for curb appeal and the overall value of your home. However, it’s crucial to hire a professional for the installation because an amateur roofer isn’t likely to understand the basics of shingles. Andy Morrison has experience as a roofing salesman and construction supervisor in Cumming, GA. Through this experience, Andy was able to see firsthand what problems homeowners were facing when putting up a shingle roof on their homes.
Although the weather reports won’t show the exact wind speed, wind damage to your shingle roof can cause serious damage. Even moderate winds may compromise the roof’s integrity, so a professional roof inspection is essential after a storm. If you live in an area with hurricanes and other violent storms, your shingle roof will be at risk.
To install a new roof, the contractor should start at the lower edge of the roof and work toward the ridge. The first course of shingles should overlap the drip edge by 1/2 to 3/4 inch and be nailed to the roof deck with roofing nails. To mark the upper edge of the first course, roofers usually snap a chalk line on the underlayment. Most contractors use a nail gun to drive the fasteners.
Shingles can be purchased in different colors and can last for up to 50 years with proper maintenance. The price of new shingles varies depending on the quality, quantity and durability. Often, new shingle roof installation is completed without removing the old shingles, which saves both time and money. However, make sure you have ample ventilation in your attic. This will ensure a longer-lasting roof. And remember, asphalt shingles are not a good option for flat roofs, which is a popular choice on the West Coast.
The type of shingle you select will depend on how you want your home to look. You can choose between three-tab shingles and architectural shingles. Architectural shingles are heavier and longer-lasting than three-tab shingles. And the architectural shingles are generally rated Class A for fire resistance. Architectural shingles are also more expensive than three-tab shingles.
Shingles can be a good choice for a new roof because they are lightweight and cheap. They typically last for 30 years or longer if properly cared for. And they are easy to install. If you’re a first-time roofer, it’s best to hire a professional to ensure your new roof is properly installed.