Are you or someone else in your household struggling with access problems in the bathroom or shower? Our Sacramento step-in bathtubs and shower baths make it so easy for anyone to stay clean. This is a common refrain amongst bathroom remodeling projects. And this is certainly true of a new bathroom remodel in Sacramento. It takes more than just putting up a shower wall and putting in a tub and toilet – it requires the design, installation, and construction team to work smart and not hard, while maximizing space and maximizing convenience.
The first step in any bathroom remodel in Sacramento is to install a shower wall. Whether that wall is a ceramic tile floor or a vinyl tile liner, it can be easily customized to meet the desires of your family. The walls will have an overall decorative effect; however, it will also be important to consider functionality. If you are installing a wall that is installed on an angle, the angle may require adjustments to accommodate the dimensions of the wall. When installing a wall, take into consideration the distance from the floor. Make sure there are no gaps between the floor and the walls as this creates moisture. Also, the shower should never be too close to the tub – the shower and tub should be installed close enough for easy access.
Next, decide what material you want to use for your bathroom. Tile is a popular choice, as it is relatively easy to install, can be installed in any color or pattern, and is generally less expensive than ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles are a popular choice, as they are relatively easy to install, can be installed in any color or pattern, and is generally less expensive than ceramic tiles. The shower wall in a new bathroom should be constructed using tile. If you do not have tiles, vinyl tiles can be used.
Tile comes in many colors, patterns, and sizes. You can choose to go with a one-sided tile, or double the tile on each side. If you do choose this option, be aware that tiles come in different thicknesses. You should have a firm idea about what thickness you want for your bathroom before beginning the project. If the tile is to be used only for one-sided installation, then the thickness will be determined by the number of people who will be using the room.
The last step is the installation of the step-in bathtub. In most cases, the tub is installed on top of the shower wall. But if the tub is to be installed under the wall (i.e. on the floor) then the wall will need to be removed to make way for the tub.
If the wall is to be removed, this will leave plenty of room for the new tub. The tub must be installed against the wall at an angle that will allow easy access for the person who is going to use it. A walk-in bathtub in Sacramento can be installed quickly and easily, but it can also be a challenge if you are not a homeowner with experience in bathroom remodeling.